Sunday, June 27, 2004
If there are any Instructors and students keen on coming to Northern New South wales with me for a weekend Seminar please let me know. The seminar is on the night of the 9th, 10 and 11thJuly.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Hi Students
Here are details of camp
Goshin Kai Karate-Do International
August 2004 Training Camp
20th, 21st and 22nd
The first official Goshin Kai camp will take place in Sydney from Friday 20th to Sunday the 22nd of August, at the Yarramundi YMCA on Springwood Rd, Yarramundi. This camp will be open to all Goshin Kai Dojo’s and their members and invited guests of Goshin Kai Karate-Do. Goshin Kai founder and master instructor Kancho Deena Naidu will conduct the training over the weekend and will cover all aspects of traditional Goju style Karate and other Martial Arts training practices. There will be instructors and students coming from around Australia to take part in what will be an enjoyable and educational training weekend, so make sure your there.
Friday 20th
3pm Arrive
6pm Dinner
7pm Night class (all grades)
Saturday 21st
6am Meditation, Ki Gong, Yochi (all grades)
9am – 10am Breakfast
10am – 12pm General class (all grades)
12pm – 1pm Lunch
1pm – 3pm General class (all grades)
3.30pm – 6.30pm Black Belt session
7pm Dinner
8pm Discussion time (all grades)
9pm Instructors meeting (instructors only)
Sunday 22nd
7am – 9am General training (all grades)
9am – 10am Breakfast
10am – 12pm Partner training drills (all grades)
12pm – 1pm Lunch
1pm – 4pm Kata & Bunkai training (all grades)
4pm Conclude Camp
The camp cost is $175.00 per person and includes all training sessions, accommodation, and meals over the three days. Participants must bring own sleeping bag, pillow and linen, as well as Dogi’s (uniforms) and warm clothing, as it will still be quite cold this time of year.
Note: All monies ($175) must be paid in full by the 10th of August. Payable to Kancho Deena Naidu telephone to receive details for payment (02)88246587
Monday, June 14, 2004
Hi students and Parents
I will be conducting a seminar for the members of Goshin kai up north on the 9th,10th,11th July. if there are anyone keen on coming please let me know.
Hi students and parents
There will be a seminar and a camp training for all members of Goshin kai on the 20, 21.22th August 2004. Instructors and students from the Queensland, Northern New south wales and Southern New south wales will be attending. I would like parents and families to attend if they can.Details will be forwarded to you all soon.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Hi Students.
Congratulations to the students of North Rocks and Kellyville on their success in the grading last week. Everyone has done very well. And to those who have got a stripe and double grade - well done. Keep it up. Remember students the three A's
it is these three that determins ones grades.