Friday, March 21, 2008

Please click on the X below to view a picture of Goshin kan Teachers and students at Kellyville dojo. Kancho deena Naidu

Happy easter to all students and their families and also to those reading our website. Please keep safe. Kancho Deena Naidu

Friday, March 07, 2008

Congratulations to all the students who have passed their examinations. Goshin Kan karate is not an easy system to master in a short time, it takes many long years. Be proud of yourselves as you earned a grade in a good school with high standards both physically and morally. Our human values system is unmatched. We practice a real art of self defence and character building. Ours is non competition and not a sport. Many of my former students call me, saying how much they appreciate doing our system of karate as it has made their lives so much better. To master Goshin Kan Karate means moving through our different grading levels. This takes a lot of hard work, dedication and focus. We do not give out grades easy so your results are a great achievement. Well done and keep up the good work. Kancho