Friday, July 25, 2008

Sensei Katie Wallace is one of the finest students and teacher of Goshin Kan Karate. Her knowledge, her attitude to life, her training ability and her character is of the highest of standard and in quality. Sensei Katie has followed the Goshin kan karate system from early childhood and has become one of the finest women karate teachers in the world. Sensei Katie carries herself with dignity and her personality is greatly admired by all who come into contact with her. She has excelled in all avenues of life such as in education, family life, work, karate and as a karate teacher and student. She is a very fine example of a person a high level of standing in the community. Kancho Deena Naidu Sensei's Story “I first started my karate training at Goshin Kan Karate Do at the Rooty Hill Dojo. I was seven years old and very enthusiastic about learning Karate. Since then, Karate is something that I have always enjoyed and will continue to enjoy for many years to come. To me, Karate is more than just a form of defence or a way to keep fit - it’s a way of life. My teacher, Kancho Deena Naidu has always told me that Karate is not just about the physical aspects of becoming a good martial artist, but it is more importantly about becoming a better person. I feel like he does, a true karate-ka are these two aspects and becoming a better Karate-ka. I have learnt that this can be achieved by continuously practising human virtues and values that we are taught. Traditional Karate especially Goshin kan karate-do gives us that important aspect of Do. This then be continued throughout ones life. I believe that this kind of training has helped me to develop my character in all aspects of my life. Over the years, I feel that this has improved my ability to deal with problems in a clear, concise and focused manner. I also believe that my memory, confidence and concentration have improved because of training both my body and my mind. I honestly believe that I wouldn’t be where I am, in life, without doing Goshin Kan Karate and learning what I have learnt over the years. Currently I am a qualified lawyer. I have also completed a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Social Psychology and Social Research. I work three jobs, study full time and still find time to go to Karate. I am also a Goshin Kan Karate Teacher San Dan Level and have taught both senior and junior grades at a dojo in North Rocks (Sydney) with another Teacher, Sensei Paul Johnson. We have many students and they are exceptional good in terms of character and ability. As an instructor, I know all students need guidance, in all aspects of karate, in order to reach their full potential. It gives me a great sense of achievement to see the difference that I can make to peoples’ lives, especially in relation to their character and personality. The most dramatic differences, that can be seen, are that in the behaviour and attitudes of children who train in the Dojo. Children respond well to both the physical and mental exercises that karate training offers. As a child, I remember being excited every time I went to Goshin Kan Karate. The remarkable thing is that I did not only enjoy doing Karate but I also learnt a lot from it. Karate is an activity that children find both physical and educational, and this is the reason why it is so important for all children to learn. I also strongly believe that it is important for females to learn Goshin Kan Karate or some form of self-defence. Self-defence cannot only improve a women’s physical fitness but can also improve a women’s confidence. I have never ever had to defend myself, and I hope that I never have to, but if the need arose, I’m sure that I would be able to defend myself using what I have learnt at Goshin Kan Karate. Overall, I believe that Karate in terms of kicking , punching, blocking etc. is something that you can learn from almost any instructor, anywhere. Human values, on the other hand, is a different matter. Human values and virtues training is not something that is taught in the average karate school. I believe that this is what sets Goshin Kan Karate apart from the majority of Karate schools in Australia and throughout the world. It training system is not only unique and traditional but has a very positive impact on all its students. It certainly brings out the best in people no matter their abilities or disabilities. Goshin kan karate sees every student in the organisation as a champion in their own right and does not favour only the talented. I also believe that I was extremely lucky to join such a great Karate school, Goshin kan karate-do and to do so at such a young age was even a greater privilege. I thank my parents for that for they encouraged me throughout my training career. I feel extremely privileged that I have had the opportunity to learn from Kancho Deena Naidu. His knowledge, in all aspects of Karate, has inspired me and still continues to inspire me every time I train. I always try to follow my teacher’s way and example and I always do my best. Personally I believe that through doing Karate basically all my life, it has made me the person that I am today. Along with my family and friends, I believe that Goshin kan Karate is probably the biggest thing to shape my life. I feel that it has helped me maintain a healthy mind and healthy body throughout my life and I am sure that it does the same for many other people. I would love to do Karate for the rest of my life but I know how difficult it can be to find time in this fast paced world. I strongly believe that even if at times, we cannot practice the physical aspects of karate, we must always practice the human values. It is the human values and virtues that bring out the best in people. Consequently I believe that this kind of training is essential, not only for martial arts people, but for all people. Sensei Katie Wallace

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thank you to all that have assisted in producing one of the best Karate training manuals. You all have copies of this manual and we are thrilled to receive such great feed back from all of you about it. Please take care of it and do not let it go to other people who have no interest in what we do. I am sure that some karate and martial artist are going to try and copy our idea, like they do with many things we do and call it their own. Many people in high places, who have received copies and have told us how impressive the document is. This manual will lift the standard of our karate ten fold or more. Goshin kan is proud of its school, the level of our teachers and high standard of our students. We are not driven by numbers but by quality. I heard two stories from a famous Japanese Karate master about crazy grade promotions. Apparently, a head teacher of a well known karate system from overseas, promoting his school in Oz, graded an extremely low level student whom he considers to be brown belt level to a very high Dan grade on a honorary bases to lead this school because they could find anyone of a high level to lead. This school gives grades to grow bigger; thank goodness we don’t or reach to such a low level of action. Sadly, students who belong to this organisation know nothing. They think their head has been graded on ability. The other story was stranger; apparently a student graded his teacher. Goshin kan is proud of its standard and all those who visited our school since the beginning, including Goshi Yamaguchi Shihan, Sakamoto Shihan, Watanabe Shihan, Iwanami Sensei and many others have said the standard of our karate is the same as Japan. Goshin Shihan said that students of Goshin Kan do not have to go to Japan because they have Japan in their dojo. What a good complement from such an awesome teacher. Another story when I was in Japan Goshi Shihan said to me that I was one of the finest teachers of karate-do. I was hesitant to believe, so he got a knife and cut his hand and said to me, do you believe me now. I said I believe. He then gave me his belt with blood stains on it to keep. I do not know of anyone one having such an experience. This indeed is one of the greatest moments of my life to have such great honour bestowed upon oneself. I have a duty to my students and to teach them the best karate that involves the physical for defence, mental for discipline and self control and spiritual for the development of good character. We pass and fail students on ability not because we want to keep the numbers up. I have failed students and they have left and walked into other organisations and received the next grade up without a test. Others who were not ready to be Black belts have become Black Belts. In most modern karate belts have very little value. Black belts are not respected because they have come very cheaply. The Japanese used to give black belt presents to foreigners that were lazy and to those who worked hard put them through the mill. In my school, I do not give presents or give it easily to those whom I like because they help the organisation. Karate belts must be earned not bought or given as a gift. I have failed long serving teachers. If you do not have the skill work on it and earn it the proper way. We believe in skill because this is what protects you. Ones belt does not determine your ability to protect yourself We are an independent organisation and I am the servant that leads a great school with high quality. I graduated in Japan in 1976 over thirty years ago, under the watchful eye of my wonderful teacher Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei. I have been invited to join other organisations with big promises and so far I did not take up offers. This is because others schools do not have the same teaching methods like us and we are a non tournament organisation. I vowed to follow my teacher’s wish because I honour him. I understand karate-do because of him. As long as I practice karate I will do it his way. He told me of a mistake he made and he does not want me to do the same. As they say a wise person does not make the mistakes of others. To have a good school like ours is like finding a needle in a hay stack. I am now close to 60 years old and I have done my major work and set the foundation. Students are in an organisation that cares for its students. Its teachings are based on Human values which are truth, love, peace, right conduct and non violence. Our karate is holistic and assists students in becoming an ideal karate-ka. This is the aim of Goshin Kan and Goshin Kai. There is nothing more fulfilling and ever lasting than traditional karate-do. Kancho Deena Naidu

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Goshin kan karate welcomes back Sensei Shaun, Sensei Joseph Morris and Shodan Guy Morris to our Dojo. The Teachers class was packed on Sunday morning and it is terrific to see how well our teachers train. The standard of the performance of the teachers are absolutely terrific. It is inspirational just to see their outstanding performance. Those wanting DVD on the training can request copies. There is no doubt that Goshin Kan is a traditional school with the highest level of traditional karate with no practices that serves the ego. kancho