Friday, April 24, 2009

Members of Goshin kan and myself would like to pass our deepest condolences to Sensei Quintin and his family on the passing of his brother. Our prayers are with you at this time of sorrow. We are saddened by the death and we wish you all keep strong. Sensei, your brother is in God's care now and finally free from pain and in the Blissful realm of God. You all are in our thoughts and we wish you all possible compfort in this difficult time. Kancho and Goshin kan


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome back to some of my former students from St Clair Dojo. It is good to see you back. My doors are always open to you. Kancho Deena Naidu

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wishing you all a Happy Easter and do keep safe. Think of Lord Jesus and the sacrifices He made in giving His life. He regarded Himself as the servant of man, from this we too must learn to serve others. Service to nature and humanity is service to GOD. Kancho Deena Naidu

Sunday, April 05, 2009

We want to pass our condolences to the family of Big Mark Wootton. Sadly we have just heard of his tragic death. He was a very powerful karate-ka and everyone who knew him loved him, especially myself. He was a strong fighter and was always seeking for the TRUTH. He even travelled to China to find it. He is going to be missed. Kancho We also would like to pass our best wishes to Shodan Tim Budden and wish him a speedy recovery from what was a major surgery. Our prays and thoughts are with him. He is a man of great strength and spiritual faith. Please take care and rest. Kancho Deena Naidu